We talk about paid traffic when we think about that generated through the activation of Google AdWord campaigns which, of course, cost money. Through the appearance of ads, it is easy for sites to obtain an advantageous positioning on the SERP and, consequently, users will be more likely to click on the specific result and possibly proceed with a purchase. Paid traffic is carried out on specific keywords : therefore, if the user types exactly that combination of words, we will appear among the favorite results.
The point of paid traffic is that before diving headfirst into lob directory an AdWords campaign, it is important to understand the impact of the ads themselves , by making a ratio between organic and paid clicks. It is also essential to identify which keywords perform better than others: to do this, not only does it take many attempts, but you also need to pay attention to trends, seasonal trends (bathing suits in the fall will not be as popular as they are in the spring) and all those elements that can make an ad an example to follow or a failure.
Inserting images into widgets: you can!
Many users would like to insert images into the sidebar, but some themes do not have specific widgets for uploading photos. Upload the image into the media library, click edit and identify the URL of the file. Then go to Appearance --> Widgets and insert a text widget into the sidebar. Inside the field, insert the code.