The achievements of your platform are obvious to all the world. In the process of safeguarding brand rights, we found that some merchants are selling our brand products on the Amazon platform. We are very happy that our products can provide convenience to the lives of Amazon users. During the verification process, we found that our brand is being sold on the Amazon platform. Sellers A and B of the product,us, and B is a seller who sells fake goods without authorization. We deeply detest this infringement of our rights and hope that Amazon can take action.
To prohibit the occurrence Greece Email List of this kind of trademark infringement, we have collected evidence on the current situation and will decide whether to take further legal rights protection actions based on your platform's response. 2. If you have not obtained the trademark certificate, you can also send a warning email to the seller if Amazon does not handle it. We are the holder of the XX trademark and have registered the trademark on Amazon. The GCID number is xxx. In view of your infringement of our rights and interests, we have lodged a complaint with Amazon. This email is only to notify you.
I believe you I am convinced that Amazon attaches great importance to trademark protection and that you, as sellers, attach great importance to maintaining the security of your account. I hope that you will stop the infringement as soon as possible to avoid the account being removed from selling permissions. Such a loss is obviously not worth the gain. We don't mean to offend you, but we hope you make the right choice.