What drives are used in hosting SSD solid state drives thanks to their writing and reading speeds have revolutionized the way data is stored. As their price continues to drop they have become widely available. Currently a fairly common approach is to use SSD drives as system or database drives while disk HDDs are used as backup multimedia etc. storage. This method works but only for home applications or small businesses.
According to the saying "those who do not develop regress" hosting companies are the ones who set the directions for the development of the industry. A perfect example is nazwa.pl which for years has been Phone Number List putting great emphasis on ensuring that the technology it uses is ahead of competitive solutions.. Figure.
Memory pyramid by speed and size | namFigure .and size. Figure shows a pyramid of memory types according to their speed and size. At the bottom are HDDs and magnetic tapes which have the largest capacities but are the slowest. Above them is an SSD without mechanical platters with much better writing and reading times. However the deterioration of the mentioned parameters under heavy load is problematic. In the next position are Intel Optane drives made with D XPoint technology.