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For convenience, in fact, there are software (which we will see later) that return the complete ranking of your online project and consequently all the relevant keywords, and those of which you are not aware, for which your site appears on Google.Check your ranking with the Google Search Console The Search Console is a valuable tool for a website owner. It is in fact the direct interface between the Web Master and Google . If you haven't yet connected it to your you do so immediately, following the procedure indicated in the official guide . In the Performance section you can analyze the queries that brought clicks to your site and sort them by position, clicks or impressions as you choose.
Google Search Console positioningLikewise you can view the pages that have generated the most traffic. This is the most interesting part because once you click on the page to analyze , and once you click the query button again , you discover the keywords that brought visits to your Cambodia Phone Number Data site for that specific URL . By looking at the average position you can understand what result your URL is in. Search Console query placement Before purchasing some dedicated software, I would fully exploit this opportunity offered by Google because if analyzed well it can give much more information than you expect.The best ranking monitoring tools .
There are also paid software , which in addition to having many other useful functions for every SEO consultant, are dedicated precisely to ranking monitoring . Here are some:SEO Zoom SEM Rush Ahrefs Advanced web ranking Moz Whats My Serp Google Rank Checker Let's just look at a few.SEM RUSH and SEO ZOOM The ones I use most for this purpose are Sem Rush and SEO Zoom . Both excellent tools: the first focused on the international market, the second very strong on the Italian one.SEO Zoom ranking monitoring By purchasing one of their solutions and entering your domain it is possible to find out how many keywords the site is positioned for , in what position , how many average monthly searches the keywords make and what estimated traffic they generate overall.